Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Babs' Bulletin

Out with the old ... 2005 and in with the new ...2006. Have you made your New Year's resolutions? You know; the ones that say I'm going to get into shape or I'm going to lose some weight? Maybe I should ask if anyone has broken their resolution already.
Albert and I have had a busy December. On the 3rd, our granddaughter, Annie, who is 17, debuted at the Jr. League Community Ball. Albert had to don a tux and grumbled a bit, but the event was lovely and Albert was dashing. Two weeks later, our other granddaughter, Kate, who is 24, was married in a beautiful ceremony in Parkville, MO. The wedding was held at six in the evening as the winter snow fell softly. The chapel was nestled in a wooded area, candles glowed in every window and white lights twinkled on the trees. The scene was breathtaking. One of the guests described it as "magical". A week later we celebrated Christmas and then the New Year. We look forward to a few weeks of ordinary.

Class Notes and Highlights:
Last newsletter, we announced the 2nd annual all school reunion in September. The focus of the event was the recognition of outstanding athletes from LHS from 1905 to 2005. Our classmate, Norman Brown, was named as one of the top 100 athletes. Congratulations, Norman. Joane Manney Wyrick and Ann Kelly Steele were the only two from the Class of '52 to attend.

Liz Moran Loweth sent a check to help with the all school reunion expenses. The LHS Alumni Association was grateful for her donation. Thanks Liz.

We thank Jim and Peggy Oliver and Marianne Jurgens Eschweiler for their donations to our newsletter fund. The postal rates are going up, so every little bit helps. Thank you.

We're pleased to announce that Jim Oliver did get his private pilot's license just before turning 71. Congrats, Jim.

Donna Mangan Hudson and Robert Schonherr sent notes telling us of a change of address. Robert is in Washington, DC now and invites anyone coming to the area to pay him a visit.

We will be planning for our 55th reunion in 2007. If you have any suggestions or want to help, let us know.

A group of classmates gathered at the Leavenworth Country Club last October for a nice dinner.
We are going to do it again on February 10, 2006.

Social Hour will be at 6:00 PM, with dinner at 7:00 PM. Bring your sweetheart and celebrate Valentine's Day. If you don't have a sweetheart, come anyway. We will be able to order from the menu.

The Dalai Lama

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