Monday, February 13, 2006

Babs' Bulletin

l to r: Delores Mayer, Clara Flint Vanderstaay, Ruth Neiman Ready, Brock Schalipp, Bonny Colter Barnett, Fred Kempin, Jolene Thomas Roberson, Carol Fluharty Simpson, Bonnie Chambers Martin, Albert Aldridge and Barbara Hamilton Aldridge behing the camera.
We held our dinner last Friday. Seventeen attended. Joane was in the hospital and we missed her being there. She had some gall bladder surgery. Several of us went by the hospital before going home to visit her. She looked good and was in good spirits.
We discussed the 55th reunion coming up in 2007. We are urging any and all to help. We are hoping to have the reunion sometime in the fall, maybe September. We are checking on any event that may conflict with that time of year.
Donna sent pictures of her new dog, Timmy. He is the cutest pup I have ever seen.
Albert and I left Saturday morning for our lake home. It had been a very busy week, so needed a little down time. We bought wood for our fireplace on the way down and filled the back of our SUV. Should be enough to last the winter. It was very cold over the weekend with a few snow flurries, so the fire felt good.

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