Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Babs' Bulletin

AUGUST, 2006


Summer is winding down and the thought of cooler days are not far away. You may want to settle down with a good book. My book club just reviewed "No Ordinary Times" by Doris Kearns Goodwin. It is about Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt. The book details their life before FDR was elected president and continues during their White House years. A good read. What have you been reading lately?

Our granddaughter headed for her freshman year at KU last Saturday. Where does the time go?

Speaking of time passing, our 55th class reunion is just around the corner. All of our plans haven't been made yet, but the dates are set for September 14, 15 & 16, 2007. MARK YOUR CALENDAR!
We have a few preliminary events to report.

FRIDAY NIGHT: We will have a casual gathering at the C. W. Parker Carousel Museum facility located in the historic landing area of Leavenworth. Wonderful restored carousels are on display and will be available for a ride during the evening. This facility is funded with donations and volunteers. Our class donated $50 for a brick to be placed in the patio courtyard. It will read: LHS, Class of `52. We will be hiring a caterer to provide the food for the evening. More on this will be sent with the next newsletter.

SATURDAY: Events include golf at the LCC and social hour/dinner that evening. Joane Manney Wyrick has arranged for 2 choices of meat for Saturday night, prime rib and chicken. The cost for either dinner will be $20. (This does not include tip & tax) This is the same price we paid at our 50th reunion.

SUNDAY MORNING: There will be brunch at the LCC, details later.

Class Notes and Highlights:
· Ty Tyler still has his "nose to the grindstone". He and his partners have discovered and patented how to make alcoholic spirits taste better and how to do it in a short time. They remove most of the impurities and knit together the other flavor elements. The most common reaction people have on tasting their offerings is SMOOTH. He has a web site you might want to visit:

(Note from The Old Man: SMOOTH? Isn't that what Red Skelton used to say about Guzzler's Gin?)

· Ben Robertson is involved in a consulting business and spends time on the golf course following a grandson who is breaking into the PGA.

· Jim Oliver and Peggy spent 2 weeks in Hawaii in April. Jim is a member of the MG club in Portland and he and Peggy go on outings with the group touring covered bridges, wineries, ferry crossings and finding new winding roads. Jim is also the Curator of the Oregon Maritime Museum.

· Joe Wallace and Jim Oliver met for a mini reunion in Aptos, CA last April after not seeing one another for half a century. To view a picture of Joe and Jim at this reunion, go to

Our next dinner is planned for October 27, 2006, at the Leavenworth Country Club. Social Hour will be at 6:00 PM, with dinner at 7:00 PM. We will be able to order from the menu. Ty Tyler will be in the Kansas City area on business and plans to join us.

Bonnie Chambers Martin
Barbara Hamilton Aldridge
Joane Manney Wyrick


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