Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Up and over . . .

David Black said he’s anxious for spring.
That’s because the warmer weather will allow students in the Junior ROTC program at Leavenworth High School to take advantage of an obstacle course.
The course, which includes nine obstacles, was constructed in October near tennis courts and practice fields at the high school.
“We wanted to build something that was physically challenging to the kids,” said Black, senior Army instructor for the high school’s JROTC program.
In addition to JROTC cadets, the course is available for others at the school including sports teams and physical education classes. Read more...

By JOHN RICHMEIER, Leavenworth Times Staff Writer

Note from The Old Man: And I thought JROTC was a way to get out of Phys Ed . . .

JROTC Click on the button to read about JROTC at LHS

1 comment:

  1. The LHS JROTC Program has a new webpage. Check it out at

