Sunday, October 19, 2008

55th Reunion

The Leavenworth High School Class of 1953 held its 55th Class Reunion on October 17th, 18th and 19th.
A weekend of events was enjoyed by seventy-five, forty-five of whom were classmates, beginning on Friday evening with a casual get together for snacks at the Leavenworth Country Club.
On Saturday morning a tour of LHS with a brunch of sweet rolls & coffee was followed by lunch at Ten Penny Restaurant. That evening there were cocktails and a catered dinner at the C.W. Parker Carousel & Museum followed by dancing and rides on the restored 1913 Carousel.

The weekend ended at an informal get together on Sunday morning and afternoon with snacks at the American Legion.
Dee Kern McCurdy

Click on the slideshow below to see some of the fun!

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