Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Babs' Bulletin



HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all our classmates who turned 75 or will turn 75 this year.
Our mini reunion/birthday party last month was fun for those attending. Our numbers were small, only 30 attended some or all of the events.
Reunion Highlights:

• Friday night was held at the Cafe. We were challenged with a few word games. It was a cozy intimate area with lots of good food and plenty to drink.
• Saturday morning golf was enjoyed by 4 players: Fred Murawski, Dick Kopp, Albert and Barbara Aldridge. Ty Tyler was unable to attend the reunion due to health problems, so I filled in the foursome. Joane Manney Wyrick rode around the course with us.
• The dinner Saturday night was held at the Leavenworth County Club. Joane decorated the tables with our blue and white school colors.
Dwight Gillespie was our emcee for the evening. I gave the invocation prior to a delicious dinner.
• A band was provided by a group from the Tune Shop. They played music familiar to our generation. Sometimes it was difficult to talk over the music, so that encouraged everyone to get up and dance. The committee paid the band to stay an extra hour to play till 10 PM. The funny part was, most everyone left by 9:30 PM. Does that say something about our age?
• The Sunday morning breakfast buffet gave us an opportunity to recall the events of the previous days and say our goodbyes till the next time.

Back when we first started talking about this mini reunion, it was suggested that we do it sooner than later due to our aging classmates and ease of travel. Since September of 2007 when we held our 55h reunion, we have lost 7 classmates. The most recent: Bonny Colter Barnett — October 8th.

I wrote in the September, 2008, newsletter that this mini reunion in no way would take the place of our 60th reunion in 2012. I may have spoken too soon. There has been discussion both ways, so it will take a while before any decision will be made. If any of you have a preference either way, let us know.

Class Notes:
Norman & Rozella Rogers Brown went to Hawaii for their grandson's wedding and had a great time. Norman goes to the Palm Springs Stroke Center everyday. He had a stroke 15 years ago and is doing quite well.
• We thank classmates, Norman & Rozella Rogers Brown, Ty Tyler, Ann Kelly Steele and Carol Fluharty Simpson for their contributions to our class treasury and Ted Sexton for stamps to be used for our mailings.


Click on the Button to see the PARTY!

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