Friday, June 28, 2013

Barbara Morey - LHS Class of 1958

Barbara Morey, whose pen name is Jessica Deforest has written a book entitled "Water's End: A Love Rediscovered."
1. Can you tell us about the story of Water's End and what inspired you to write it?
Water's End: A Love Rediscovered, which I wrote under the pen name of Jessica Deforest, is the story of a lifelong, seemingly unattainable, love. The plot follows Anne Mills, an abused woman, as she grows emotionally, takes back her own power, and finds fulfillment. Divorced after a brief teenage marriage, Anne meets David, a man as beautiful as a Roman god and as elusive as a mirage. She knows instinctively that she will love him forever. When she loses him, she sees no choice but to move on, so she marries someone else. Trapped in an abusive nightmare, with three children and little education, all she can hold onto is her dream of finding David again. It is not until she has given up all hope of ever finding him again that they finally reconnect, and she discovers the secret that makes him keep her at arm's length. Her journey, filled with ups and downs, twists and turns, takes her from a small Kansas town to fashion runways, Washington, D.C., and into the inner circles of Hollywood.
The inspiration for the novel, of course, was my own life. I was that abused wife, and like the woman in the book, I was able to turn my life around. Most of the book, however, is pure fiction.
2. Leavenworth and Fort Leavenworth figure prominently in the book. Why did you decide to use these towns as two of the locations in the novel?
Writers are most believable when they write about what they know, and I was born and raised in Leavenworth, so I know it pretty well. I worked at Fort Leavenworth, where I met my someone special.
Both the town and the fort have many lovely, romantic settings, especially the lakes by the golf course at Fort Leavenworth.
3. You have worked as an editor/writer for several large corporations and earned a bachelor's degree in business administration and a master of arts in counseling psychology. You also plan to continue your work on a PhD in health psychology. Why did you decide to write a romantic novel and do you plan to write more?
This book is more a romantic novel than a romance, and writing it was cathartic when I went through a divorce in 1994. After my master's internship working with abused women, I felt I needed to publish the book.
Preparing the book for publication got me started writing fiction again, and now I have a couple more books in the works, although they are not romance novels. Both, however, have Kansas settings.
4. What did growing up in Leavenworth and graduating from Leavenworth High School contribute toward your successful and varied careers?
There's nothing like growing up in a small town to give a writer the background and freedom to be creative.
Interestingly, my writing career started with the Leavenworth Times.
When I was 12, I began submitting essays to the Junior Times, a lovely children's page in the Sunday paper.
To my delight, I often won prizes such as movie tickets or a gallon of ice cream.
I remember well the encouragement of the editor (I think her name was Esther Norman). That's when I found that writing could be more than just a hobby.
Attending Leavenworth High School played a big role in my future, as I got such a great foundation in English and Literature during my school years.
College was a snap, thanks to the wonderful teachers in Leavenworth.
5. What do you hope readers will take away from reading your book? Where is the book available?
It is my hope that this book will demystify domestic violence and inspire abused women.
The message I would like readers to take away from my book is that change is possible, no matter what the circumstances.
Victims believe they have no control over what happens.
Victors know they are responsible for their own happiness, and anyone can learn how to be a victor, not just a survivor.
— Rimsie McConiga - The Leavenworth Times


  1. I do not want my Leavenworth Times interview posted on this website.

    Barbara Morey
