Thursday, February 02, 2017

Parker Carousel Museum

Larry Everett and Clara VanderStaay (LHS Class of 1952) attended a Senior Citizens Monday Luncheon event recently.
Larry was the guest speaker for Parker Carousel Museum. He has been associated with the museum about 15 years. He is a special projects coordinator for the Carousel Museum. He covered the history of the Carousel and the three carousels in Leavenworth. Special insights into the many exhibits were the offerings of the Carousel Museum.
Clara VanderStaay started volunteering in 1988 before the Parker Carousel started to be known. The Carousel was being put together at 743 Delaware and then moved to the present site. Clara followed the move and gave tours until 2010. Clara said, "Remember you are never too young or too old to ride the Carousel.” The Senior Group meets each Monday. For more information call 913-306-4419.

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