Friday, June 08, 2012

Babs' FINAL Bulletin

June Newsletter -- 2012 


The 60th and final reunion of the class of ’52 was held on May 4, 5 & 6th. 27 classmates attended. In addition to KS and MO, we had classmates from FL, CA, TX and OR. Friday night at the Café, classmates provided delicious hors d’oeuves during the social hour prior to the . buffet. Thanks to those of you that brought them! 
A class picture was taken on Saturday night before the dinner and Bob Atwell started the evening with a prayer before the meal was served. After dinner, he delivered a memorial acknowledging our 74 deceased classmates. Joan Mitchell Atwell provided a brochure listing the names of all deceased. Dwight Gillespie was our Master of Ceremonies. I gave an update on the latest news about classmates. LHS T-shirts and cups were donated by LHS and given as door prizes to a lucky few. The evening was bittersweet knowing this may be the last time we see many of our classmates. 

Class Notes: Deceased classmate: Mary Lee Faber Schlonga — April 17, 2012

Final Report: In July of 1998, Mary Murawski, wife of classmate, Fred Murawski, wrote the first newsletter to the classmates of the class of ’52. Over 30 newsletters have gone out since that date. This June 2012 newsletter will be the last. Our class treasurer, Bonnie Chambers Martin, requests that the bank account be closed as she is retiring. We were low in funds coming into our 60th reunion and when . classmates knew this, they sent funds to help. Those sending either money or stamps were: Ty Tyler, Jean & Doug Curtis, Bob Jones, Jim Oliver, Ed Wittmis, Marianne Jurgens Eschweiler, George Berg, Dorothyellen Cooper Wyley, Evelyn Gwartney, Ned Cross, Norman & Rozella Brown, Nancy Cockrum Kiser and Charlene Redford Jarlsberg. Thank you all very much. . After Bonnie pays all the expenses incurred with this reunion,tthe committee voted to donate any funds left to the National Cancer Society. 

All the news about classmates will still be available by logging onto Joe Wallace’s blog:

Joe’s blog has interesting articles written for the Leavenworth Times by the widow of Johnny Johnston, who worked for the paper for many years. The paper asked Annie to write stories about the history of Leavenworth and the articles sometimes stir a memory. 
One story was about The Legend of the Black Dog. How many of you remember the big iron dog on a lawn on Spruce Street? According to her article there were several dog statues scattered around Leavenworth. I particularly remember the one on Spruce. Steps led up from the sidewalk and the dog stood in the front yard as if guarding the home. One May Day, I was with friends and we were putting May baskets that we had made and filled with flowers on the porch or door knobs of houses. We would ring the bell and run to hide and watch the owners smile as they discovered the May baskets. The house with the dog was our next conquest. We climbed the steps, placed the basket on the porch, rang the bell and ran down the embankment waiting and watching. The lady of the house came out shaking her finger scolding us for ringing her door bell and running. We explained the May Day basket and all was forgiven. I can’t remember who was with me on that day, but I always remember that big black dog. Anyone out there remember being with me that May Day back in the 40’s?

I have enjoyed keeping in touch with all of you through the years. 
So long. . .Farewell. . .Adieu. . .Auf Weidersehen. . .Good bye! 


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