Sunday, September 02, 2018

Memories of Leavenworth

I think of you all a lot. Don't know if you remember or even knew that the Tinklers lived next door to us from the time Mary Ann and I were born. Our bedrooms were on same sides of our houses so last thing at night in the summer was us saying goodnight. We were constant companions until we went to school, and still close even then. I think about those happy times a lot and when I do we are those happy little girls again for a little while. 
A few reunions ago Teddy said one of her favorite memories was of the bunch of us who walked to school together starting with me, then Mary Ruth, Carol, Ann Kelly if she got up on time, Teddy, Mary Lou, Ann Kunkle, and Edie. I trace that route in my memory and smile when I think of it.
One of the nicest bonding experiences was the walk to and from school. All the tensions and fights that seem to break out on school buses were not present on our walks. 
We had a big group from Central Ave to the Franklin school. The only one I remember is Nayse Sterritt who with younger sister Patty lived a few houses down. 
Then for 3rd Av, Jr Hi and High school I had 3 blocks to go from Central Ave to Broadway to get Mary Ruth, then Carol, Ann Kelly if she got up on time, Teddy, Mary Lou, Ann Kunkle and Edie. If we came home after dark I would linger in the shadows of Broadway until no car was coming and run the whole way home.
These days I probably wouldn't make it a block.
I think our slimness was more a product of walking all over town than the food we ate. We walked in snow up to our hips, throwing snowballs along the way. 
If there was a hugh downpour Mary Ann and I rode with Vernon Tinkler who was always happy to have the company.
A sweet memory from Leavenworth: Chocolate sodas at Callahan's Drug Store.
A cold memory from Leavenworth: marching band at football games in the snow with ice forming on our eyelashes and our lips sticking to our metal mouthpieces.
A fast food memory: Homer's hamburger restaurant on the corner just before Abeles Field and its rootbeer in frosted mugs. Take that McDonald's! Every so often I need a rootbeer fix. I keep a mug for frosting. It's no good in a glass. 
Vernon Tinkler ran a few head of cattle on some pasture land just outside town. One day around the start of school he took Mary Ann and I with him. There was a small stream through the property that we wanted to wade in but Vernon told us to be careful of sharp rocks and we were afraid of snakes, so we waded with our brand new leather saddle shoes on. I'm not sure if Vernon got us in trouble or if we got him in trouble (probably both), but he never took us along again.
I've heard happy the bride the sun shines on and blessed the dead the rain falls on so much that I think Oh-Oh when it rains on a bride and I worry about the dead the sun shines on. We had a drought breaking 3-day rain for Teddy's funeral and I sat and cried all day and I'm at peace with it. I think she somehow knew it would be her last reunion (2007) and I know she died happy.

Mary Jo Natzke Pohzehl
(16 Apr 1934 - 15 Jul 2017)

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