Friday, December 07, 2007


Does anyone remember Brock, Ed, Tommy and Bob?


  1. I remember an ice cream parlor between 6th & 5th Streets on Delaware run by some guy who wore a white hat like a military hat from a army uniform but white. They closed before I graduated, don't remember what happened to it but it sure had good ice cream.

    You guys look like you were lookin cool, hangin out in front of whatever was "the" place at the time. That was mainly what kids did was hang out trying to look cool.

    I still look back fondly on the lunch counters at Woolworths, Kresge's and the Drug Store at 5th & Delaware too. My sister worked there for a while. I used to love getting limeaids in there when it was hot summertime. I still love hot summertime and I still love limeaids. Nothing tastes quite as good as it did when you were a kid though. Of course the drug store counter couldn't hold a candle to Kresge's counter. There were a couple of semi circles with stools around the counter and then Woolworth's was the best after that. We didn't have a lot of money to do that but when I started working after school at the new St. John's Hospital on 4th Street, such a modern ediface after the fire burned down the hospital on Kiowa. It was ancient and rickety, I remember the elevator was something else. And just like a kid I remember the candy machine's in that old hospital. Primitive by today's standard's but attractive anyway. My mom was sick a lot so I'd go up to see her after school and then she worked there too at the old hospital. What an inferno that was that took that hospital down, the place I was born in! Now the new St. John's has seen better days I guess and they don't have the same kind of patients they used to, most go to Kansas City. I remember working at the new one as a candy striper and then in the kitchen after school and at the admissions desk when my kids were younger. My exhusband and my kids would come up and we'd have dinner in the cafeteria. Again, simple days, simpler times, if only!

  2. The Ice Cream parlor you are referring to was Leo's, and Leo himself was the tall guy in the hat.
