Sunday, March 16, 2008

Babs' Bulletin

The camera! I arrived at the Leavenworth Country Club last Friday for the class dinner and realized I had forgotten my camera. I blame it on last minute rush and brain mush from working on our taxes.
There were 14 at the dinner Friday: Shirley Ruebhausen, Bonnie Chambers Martin and Bill, Ellen Cornett Tyson, Bob Hessenflow and Patsy, Dwight Gillespie and Linda, Clara Flint VanderStaay and her granddaughter, Amanda, Joane Manney Wyrick and Albert and I.
It was a nice evening, the food was good and conversation lively. Some grumbling as KU was playing their 2nd round of the Big 12 Tournament. The men would stroll to the grill room occasionally to check on the score.
It was discussed and agreed on to celebrate the majority of the Class of '52 turning 75 in 2009. We will start planning a 75th Birthday Bash for sometime next year. Kind of a mini reunion. This will not take the place of a 60th reunion. We are taking into consideration the age and health of our class. Knowing how expensive travel is, we might end up with just those in the Leavenworth area, but a few may want to make the trip.

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