Saturday, April 09, 2011

John Zielinski - LHS Class of 1956

John Zielinski is a former Leavenworth resident and former investigative reporter, he is the author  of 22 books and controversial conspiracy theorist who is the subject of a new documentary called “Zielinski” which is playing at the AMC Theater in Kansas City Saturday night.  He currently lives in Columbia, Mo.
1. A documentary is being shown Saturday night in Kansas City called "Zielinksi" about your life. Why did they make a movie about you?
The movie is not strictly about me but about the struggle I have had to inform the public about what has been going on in the country with regard to missing children, child slavery etc. I went to Leavenworth High School until sophomore year and the journalism teacher pounded away at me once keeping me until 5 o'clock to instill who, what, when, where, why and how.  
Jump ahead to 2007 when two young buddy film makers Chase Thompson and Ryan Walker found me and began backtracking my work while viewing all the video footage I have saved over the years and three years later they had a completed film made up of recent footage along with film, that had been shot 20 years ago. ...The film is me in action over a more than 20 years period, while I was making dozens of other programs including "The Amish: Between Two Worlds" for National Public Television and three others that were shown on Ohio Public TV dealing with the Amish.
2. You are known as a conspiracy theorist. What kind of things have you investigated and written about?
If I said to you I think there might be little green men! That is a conspiracy theory. If wikileaks put out document showing the government has for years been negotiating with green space aliens am I still a conspiracy theorist?
In Iowa I wrote nice pleasant picture and word books about the history and heritage of the state. In 1983 the Sutherland Printing Company issued new brochure claiming to be the publisher of all my works and four years and five attorney later they were verified by the court system of Iowa.
In my case the Sutherland Printing Company now calling itself Sutherland Publishing Company submitted a single typewritten sheet of paper that state I owed them $20,000. The document was unsigned. I had $11,000 worth of cancelled checks and receipts, the judge ruled I owed $20,000. It was such a kangroo court that my young inexperience attorney the only one left out of five asked for a mistrial; Judge Dan F Morrison told her: "You try that and I will have you up on charges."
Jim Ahern identified C.M. Manly, city attorney of Grinnell, as the judge buyer, the fixer if you wanted to take care of any trial in the state.  I took my case all the way through the Iowa Supreme only to have them uphold the lower court decision. I am the only publisher in the history of the International Standard Book Numbering system to have a court dismiss it as proof of who a publisher was. Conspiracy anyone?
3. Your work has been controversial and even blacklisted in some circles. Why has it received such harsh criticism?
Don't they all hate you when you are right? I never expected the kind of push back I got from the University of Iowa where Bill Casey the long-time publisher of The Daily Iowan told a journalism faculty member. "You know you were seen taking to John Zielinski, you know you can get fired for that."
I believe much of my problems stem from the fact that Iowa has been called by several organizations the Switzerland of America where the CIA launders all its major drug money. With the help of law officers I was shown a building in Des Moines were the officer said: "This is where they make kiddie porn, we can't touch it because someone important owns it." He also showed me the Satanic sites which I exposed on WHO Talk Radio Des Moines on Jan Michaelson show July 17, 1991. On it I bought Ted Gunderson, former head of the LA FBI and fifth highest ranking member of the FBI when he retired.  ... I met and became friends with E. Lee Orr, a Kansas City Homicide Detective who spent his last five years before retirement investigating nothing but Satanic homicides, and Dr Judi-Ann Densen Gerber who described herself as the top of a pyramid of 600 psychiatrists and psychologists dealing with the occult. She told me: "I have seven women patients who have eaten their own children." This was called a fetal Eucharist. Lee Orr knew about this and investigated in Leavenworth and at the Fort.
Today, thanks to the KC Star series from Dec 13-18, 2009, we know such places do exist. From the date of the show to now Jan Michaelson and WHO talk radio will not respond to me. They are part of the film.
4. Tell us about your connection to Leavenworth. Did you grow up here and do you still have family and friends here?
My sister Sharon Sharff lives down the street from you (The Times) and the Zielinski's are all over the place. I was born in Cushing Hospital on July 17, 1940, and until a fire destroyed them, I had my birth certificate with my foot print and a bill for $5, the cost of delivery.
I grew up in Leavenworth and Kansas City, my early years were in Leavenworth, I went to Sacred Heart School. I went to the movies a lot when it used to cost only 14 cents and if I didn't have money I went down to the railroad tracks and picked up pop bottles discarded by the railroad workmen, rinsed them and turned them in for 2 cents each til I had enough to go to the movie, Friday night, Saturday and Sunday. I remember seeing Smiley Burnette (western character actor) on the stage at the Hollywood. The movies were a part of my life and although I have written many books, I have also produced and edited many film of which Zielinski is made up like a jigsaw puzzle.
5. How did you get started as an author and investigative reporter?
I was working for the school newspaper in my sophomore year ... I cannot remember my teacher but he spent more than two hours after school one day making me into a journalist. My degrees were all in English but I was writing the news and feature stories from that time on and an occasional editorial. If it is said you are official a writer when you have published a million words I think I hit that sometime in my 30s and to this day I continue to write and produce programs which I think will inform the public.
Bonus question: Now that your life has been made into a film, what do you plan to do next?
I do not plan on slowing down but speeding up my publishing once again as we break through the blacklist and I believe war criminals trials will be in order for some in this country if I an other can live long enough to bring the conspiracy theory documents and proofs forward.
Shortly after the five showings at the True/False Film festival someone put "Zielinski" up for consideration on Netflix.  I am told that once we have 1,000 people who put it on the cue it will be permanently available, so if friends and relatives cannot get to the one showing in Kansas City they will have a opportunity to get it through Netflix.
The Leavenworth Times

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