Monday, August 29, 2016

Pride Hall - Lansing High School

Pride Hall, located at Lansing High School, was dedicated this summer. The dedication was coordinated by the Lansing High School Alumni Association along with Lansing school district staff. The hall, which houses senior pictures from 1943 to present, was the work of the Alumni Association and alumni who spent countless hours to make this a reality.  
Pictured are June Halverson Foley (1970), Linda Johnson Powers(1966), Michelle Stewart Redford (1975), Lu Ann Earls Cummins (1974), Virginia McQuillan (1955), Mary Ryan (1971), Charlie McQuillan (1958), Sherry Coons Alford (1957), Robin Spinner, Jackie Mills (1959), Betty Darrow Klinedinst (1976), Darrel Stufflebeam, superintendent, Ross Perkins (1949), Dawn Bohannon Hudson (1990), Kim Zielinski Dahmer (1982), and Mary Lou Allen.

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