Saturday, February 09, 2008

13 inducted into LHS Hall of Fame

Leavenworth High School has much to be proud of.  That was an assertion made last week on a night when several of the school’s graduates were honored.  Dale Winetroub, president of the Leavenworth Public Schools Education Foundation, said the ccomplishments of those who were honored are truly outstanding.
“You’ve made us extremely proud,” he said.
Winetroub spoke at the beginning of Saturday’s third annual induction ceremony for the Leavenworth High School Hall of Fame.  The event was organized by the foundation and Leavenworth High School Alumni Association.
Thirteen people were inducted into the Hall of Fame in recognition of their achievements in fine arts. Fourteen others were recognized as outstanding graduates of artistic achievement.  Carol Ayres, foundation coordinator, estimated about 300 people attended the program, which was open to the public.
“Everyone loved the program,” she said.
Before the start of the program, displays were set up in the hallway outside of the high school auditorium to exhibit the works of honorees.
The ceremony included a piano performance by one of the Hall of Fame inductees, John Tibbetts. Tibbetts also served as the master of ceremonies for the event.
Heather Claybrook sang two country music songs. Claybrook, a Kansas City area television news personality, was among the 14 people recognized as outstanding graduates of artistic achievement.
Writer Bill Van Parys, who also was among those honored as an outstanding graduate for artistic achievement, read from a piece he wrote that marked the 10th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Gary Foster (Class of 1954), who was inducted into the Hall of Fame for his work in jazz music, performed pieces on a saxophone with accompaniment from a guitarist.
Ayres said all of the performers did a good job.
“But Gary Foster was just amazing,” she said.

The Hall of Fame inductees included Foster, Tibbetts, Richard Brunson, Melissa Etheridge, Lisa Henry, Carl Johnson, David Jones, Lewis Ketchum, John Leavitt, Gene Adams Logan, Roland Logan, David Reubhausen and Richard Sanders.
Those named outstanding graduates of artistic achievement included Claybrook, Van Parys, Emayatzy Corinealdi, Charles E. "Buzz" Dolsberry (Class of 1951), Dennis Foley, Ronald Hysten,
Henry W. “Bill” Johnson (Class of 1954), Maggie Linton, Sue Miller Malloy, David Miller, Howard Renensland, Nicholas Sebastian, Kim Leigh Smith and Douglas Tarbet.
Books featuring biographies of the honorees as well as information about their works were sold at the event. Ayres said copies of the book can still be purchased at the school district’s central office.
Each year’s Hall of Fame induction has focused on people involved in a specific area. The focus for the first year’s induction was athletics. This was followed by military achievement last year and this year’s focus on fine arts.
Ayres said seven disciplines were selected when the Hall of Fame was started.
Four remain including business; education; math, science and technology; and law and politics. She said one of these areas probably will be selected for next year.

By JOHN RICHMEIER, Leavenworth Times Staff Writer

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