Thursday, October 01, 2009

Parade of Heros

Army veteran Bill Thompson and Navy veteran Beau Kansteiner (LHS Class of 1952), both of Leavenworth, were the Grand Marshals for the third annual Parade of Heroes held Thursday at Village West in Kansas City, Kansas.
The parade was sponsored by the Village West Rotary Club.
Thompson served in World War II and Kansteiner served during the Korean and Vietnam wars.

More about the pair of heroes and parade from a press release:Thompson served as a member of the Jedburgh operation of the Office of Strategic Services, a forerunner of the Central Intelligence Agency. He parachuted into France in advance of Allied armies to assist the French resistance. Later, he parachuted into China to help the Chinese forces in their war against the Japanese invaders.
Kansteiner served between 1952 and 1969 when he retired from the Naval Reserve. He served as a Gunnery Officer aboard the U.S.S. Gregory, a Fletcher-class destroyer, in the Formosa Straits during a time of international crisis when the Chinese communists were shelling the Nationalist Chinese Islands of Quemoy and Matsu.
Both Thompson and Kansteiner are past presidents of the Leavenworth Rotary Club. Thompson has been a Rotarian for 36 years and Kansteiner for 37 years.

Read more: BEAU...

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